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The University of Alberta/AHS Kaye Edmonton Clinic Parkinson and Movement Disorders Program sees patients with all movement disorders (except tic disorders), and offers botulinum toxin treatment for movement disorders, levodopa/carbidopa intestinal gel infusions for Parkinson’s disease patients and deep brain stimulation treatment for all movement disorders. It hosts a Neuropalliative and Complex Symptoms Clinic with the contribution of Palliative Care physicians and Spiritual psychologist.
The University of Calgary Movement Disorders Program sees patients with all movement disorders, and offers botulinum toxin treatment for movement disorders, levodopa/carbidopa intestinal gel infusions for Parkinson’s disease patients, prescription/titration sessions for apomorphine treatment in Parkinson’s disease, and deep brain stimulation treatment for all movement disorders.
British Columbia
The Parkinsons and Movement Disorder Clinic at the Royal Jubilee Hospital, Victoria sees patients with all movement disorders, and offers botulinum toxin treatment for movement disorders, levodopa/carbidopa intestinal gel infusions for Parkinson’s disease patients and deep brain stimulation treatment for all movement disorders.
Vancouver Coastal Health Region
The Fraser Health Movement Disorder Clinic at the Jim Pattison Centre, Surrey sees patients with all movement disorders in Lower Mainland BC, and offers botulinum toxin treatment for movement disorders, levodopa/carbidopa intestinal gel infusions for Parkinson’s disease patients and apomorphine (subcutaneous and sublingual) prescriptions and titration sessions. The clinic includes occupational therapist, physiotherapist, speech & language pathologist, social worker and dietitian.
Interior Health Region
The Okanagan Movement Disorders Program ( sees patients with all movement disorders. The clinic includes social workers and speech & language pathologist.
The University of Saskatchewan Movement Disorders Clinic follows patients with all movement disorders, offering botulinum toxin treatment and device-assisted therapies.
The Movement Disorder Clinic - Deer Lodge Centre - U of Manitoba sees patients with all movement disorders, and offers botulinum toxin treatment for movement disorders, levodopa/carbidopa intestinal gel infusions for Parkinson’s disease patients and deep brain stimulation treatment for all movement disorders. This centre provides interdisciplinary care with social worker, dietitian, occupational therapist, physiotherapist and speech therapist to offer patient and outreach education and advanced therapy titration, including apomorphine
The St. Boniface Clinic sees patients with all movement disorders, and offers botulinum toxin treatment for movement disorders and levodopa/carbidopa intestinal gel infusions for Parkinson’s disease patients.
The Parkinson's Disease and Movement Disorders Clinic at the Ottawa Hospital is a tertiary care center for all movement disorders in Eastern Ontario. It offers botulinum toxin treatment and advanced therapies, including levodopa/carbidopa intestinal gel infusions, apomorphine treatment and deep brain stimulation.
The Kingston Health Sciences Centre / Queen's University Movement Disorder Clinic sees patients with all movement disorders, and offers botulinum toxin treatment for movement disorders, levodopa/carbidopa intestinal gel infusions for Parkinson’s disease patients and deep brain stimulation treatment for all movement disorders. This centre hosts a nascent specialized Huntington’s Disease clinic.
Toronto (Toronto Western Hospital)
The Edmond J. Safra Program in Parkinson's Disease and the Morton and Gloria Shulman Movement Disorders Clinic at the Toronto Western Hospital provides care for all movement disorders. It offers botulinum toxin treatment, levodopa/carbidopa intestinal gel infusions, apomorphine, and surgical therapies including deep brain stimulation, MR-guided focused ultrasound, and CSF shunting procedures. The clinic is the site of the Rossy Progressive Supranuclear Palsy Centre.
Toronto (Baycrest)
The Baycrest Movement Disorder and Spasticity Management Clinic is an interdisciplinary care center that sees patients with all movement disorders. It offers botulinum toxin treatment for movement disorders and levodopa/carbidopa intestinal gel infusions for Parkinson’s disease patients.
The London Movement Disorders Centre sees patients with all movement disorders, and offers botulinum toxin treatment for movement disorders, levodopa/carbidopa intestinal gel infusions for Parkinson’s disease patients and deep brain stimulation treatment for all movement disorders.
The Movement Disorders Clinic, Hamilton Health Sciences and McMaster University sees patients with all movement disorders, and offers botulinum toxin treatment for movement disorders and levodopa/carbidopa intestinal gel infusions for Parkinson’s disease patients.
The McGill University Health Center sees patients with all movement disorders, and offers botulinum toxin treatment for movement disorders, levodopa/carbidopa intestinal gel infusions for Parkinson’s disease patients and deep brain stimulation treatment for all movement disorders.
CHUM Movement Disorders Clinic
The Clinique Neuro-Lévis ( ) sees patients with all movement disorders and offers botulinum toxin treatment for movement disorders and levodopa/carbidopa intestinal gel infusions for Parkinson’s disease patients.
New Brunswick
Movement disorders specialists at the George Dumont University Hospital see patients with all movement disorders. This clinical site has also a functional neurosurgeon for DBS.
Saint John
A movement disorders specialist at the Saint John Regional Hospital (Movement disorders) sees patients with all movement disorders.
Nova Scotia
The QEII Movement Disorders Clinic sees patients with all movement disorders, and offers botulinum toxin treatment for movement disorders, levodopa/carbidopa intestinal gel infusions for Parkinson’s disease patients and deep brain stimulation treatment for all movement disorders.
The Nova Neurology (private clinic) sees patients with all movement disorders and is highly active in clinical research trials.
Newfoundland & Labrador
St. John’s
The Movement Disorders specialist clinic in St. John’s is run by specialists and faculty members of the Newfoundland and Labrador’s University.
This clinic sees all patients with Parkinson’s disease and parkinsonism and offers monitoring of DBS systems, including battery replacement.